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Andrew kharker


Bed sores - Signs And Treatments

By andrewkharker at 2010-01-20 00:56:29
Bed sores are one of the very serious diseases that are generally prone to the people spending most of the time on bed or are immobilized due to some reasons. With bed sore disease, most of the body pressure is confined to the certain body organs like hips, heels, elbows, shoulder blades, etc.

Even with his fame and fortune, life was extremely difficult for Mr. Reeves and his family-to say the least. He had the best care that money could buy. A special chair to support his body, and help caregivers shift his position to prevent pressure sores, enabled him to begin working again as a director and an activist for those with spinal cord injuries.

Early sign of a bed sore is a red rash that looks much like a sunburn. If left untreated, full blown bed sores develop, resulting in open wounds with drainage, infections and even death. Bed sores can be successfully treated by providing air flow under the body and by removing moisture. As always, prevention is the best cure. But even fully developed bed sores can be cured by the use of natural sheepskin bed pads, heel wraps, etc.

It is not hard to understand why people who spend the majority of their day either in a wheelchair or in bed end up with bed sores. With the inability to move around and give the body a little breathing room, no wonder disabled individuals can develop such painful problems with their skin.

Caring for an individual who may have limited motion and feeling in the body generally falls to the caregiver. It is extremely important to check everywhere the skin comes in constant contact with the chair or bed. Under continuing pressure and friction, it does not take long for the circulation to the skin to be cut off. Then, the skin will slough off and die. Once this occurs, a nasty sore has already become a challenge to treat with bandages and ointments.

Bed sores are serious for several reasons. For one, many individuals who suffer from pressures sores are paralyzed to some degree. So, when the skin starts dying and peeling away, those people have no idea there is a problem. Unless the caregiver notices right away, the sore can go untreated for far too long.

Where there is better blood flow, naturally, there is less discomfort. The technology of alternating pressure is not exactly new, as it has been used in hospitals to treat patients with bed sores. This is because alternating pressure keeps the blood moving and the skin healthy, allowing it to breathe. When skin breathes, it maintains a healthy color and elasticity.

Bed sores (also known as pressure ulcers and decubitus) are caused by unrelieved pressure on any part of the body, usually on the back or any bony or cartilaginous area. They can also occur on areas that do not have the benefit of body fat as padding. The pressure is due to lying or sitting down in one position for an extended period of time, resulting in that area having to bear the full weight of the body. Due to the pressure, the blood supply is cut off. Shortage of blood for an extended period of time may cause tissue damage or cell death. When blood is re-introduced to the tissue, it may result in reperfusion injury.

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